NUOVA ELETTRONICA is based in Perugia, Italy. With more than 40 years of experience in the field of press brakes safety. The company's leading product is laser safety devices , Since the year of 1979, Products and technology are among the best in the worl...
The company's leading product is laser safety devices , Since the year of 1979, Products and technology are among the best in the world. NUOVA ELETTRONICA is in the forefront of the press brake safety devices....
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Ø 采用博世力士乐高频响比例伺服阀
Ø 可快速定位,响应评率80-100Hz,易控,易维护
Ø 重复定位精度±0.01mm
Ø 集成式过滤器
Ø 集成挠度补偿功能